Finding Your Way Up when You were Down

Posted by Argie Monroy On Jun 10, 2012 Comments (3)
Life is not always a bed of roses. It may give you the spotlight at one time, but it doesn't mean it'll always be there. While it is true that there are those people who were born with a silver spoon, believe me, they are also suffering from the hard times. You can have all the luxuries...

Why You Have to be an Early Bird and Wake Up Early

Posted by Argie Monroy On Feb 9, 2012 Comments (0)
Waking up early is one of the common problems individuals faced every morning of the day. While it's true that we have to get up to 8 hours of sleep each day, we have to take note that it is not advisable to stay up late in the night and wake up late the other day. In fact, being an early...

Know What your Purpose in Life Is

Posted by Argie Monroy On Dec 26, 2011 3 comments
We all have a purpose why we exist on this planet. We may not know it yet, but time will come and tell you what you're supposed to be, where you has to be, and what your purpose is. At times, you might feel like you got no purpose at all. Like you are a total loser, you deserve nothing...

The Good Side of Procrastination and How Can It Help You

Posted by Argie Monroy On Dec 22, 2011 2 comments
Before I wrote down this post, I have been thinking to myself, "Should I finish it now or should I put it aside and finish it the other day?" Well, I myself, am procrastinating. I have read several journals and have heard a lot of people talking that procrastination is really a bad thing,...

Why People Cheat and Why You Shouldn't

Posted by Argie Monroy On Dec 20, 2011 Comments (0)
Not long ago, we have our examination period and it was one of the most stressful moment of my life. In fact, I haven't been prepared that day and my mind was still boggling how could I be able to answer most of the questions which could come forth in the examination itself. Shortly after...

Should We Be Afraid to Fail?

Posted by Argie Monroy On Dec 19, 2011 1 comments
Failure is one of the things which a lot of people are afraid to commit. For most, experiencing a failure is one great mistake they have committed which can never be corrected again. And for that reason, a lot of people would afraid this thing called failure. We've all heard a lot...